Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Project Service Learning: An Evaluation

     Throughout the Service Learning Project presentation to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Flint, I found the Cherish Group’s presentation to be the most interesting. I found that their use of a flyer to help spread the word of Big Brothers Big Sister’s poinsettia event to be very useful and was a good way to bring attention to the event as well as the organization. Being a Christmas flower, poinsettias are perfect for this time of the year. The flyers also advertised the different locations where the flowers would be made available as well as notifying potential buyers that proceeds would go toward events for Big’s and Little’s throughout the year.

     Some ideas that I wish my group incorporated would be a use of a flyer, brochure, or a printed example of our article to distribute during the presentation. Something that people can actually look at attracts more of their attention than if one were to just stand in front and give a speech. Visual aids are very important in general because it helps people follow along and might even spike their interest or questions on the subject matter. Another aspect of our presentation that I would like to have taken advantage of is the class picture that we were planning on taking for our article. Unfortunately we only managed to have enough time to take the different groups’ pictures while they were working.

     In preparing for our group presentation, The Reporters first began our Service Learning Report and began to evaluate what the other groups were doing as well as defining Service Learning. After we had gathered information on how each group would assist the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization, we compiled drafts that explained the different ways that the groups would help along with the steps they were each going to take to reach their resolution. After the final draft was compiled, it was a small task to construct our presentation and divvy up the different sections that we would each be presenting on. For instance, I spoke of the Appeals, Cherish, and Recession groups and explored what they were focusing on. All in all, it was a very interesting project and from it, we learned how to formally address issues and put them in writing to help raise awareness of what the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization has done, and continues to do for the community.

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